Friday, June 19, 2015

Sedapnya Ramadhan Yang Sihat

It's Ramadhan again Alhamdulillah we are fortunate to be in good health to observe fasting. As usual, Ramadhan bazaar is almost everywhere ofering food of many varieties in abundance. I went to one yesterday, taking my 5 year old son with me. Not really to buy food as we've already cooked our main dinner....more to just enjoy the sights sounds and smells ;-)
Eating right I think is especially important this month of Ramadhan. Taking food with too much grease and preseratives should be reduced if possible. I am not an exprt though, so would not want to say much about this. I would suggest that you read such information in professional sites promoting good eating habits during Ramadhan. Here are some sites with interestingly written articles on good eating habits if you are interested....
light reading
This is another source of good reference on best practices and recommended eating habits during this wonderful month of Ramadhan.... Healthy Ramadhan
I also would like to suggest good munching...of nutricious delicius cookies for you and your beloved family. I think your kids especially would love these healthy snack in a jar. Check it out.
Don't you think you should try it? Order here and be joyful
Remember,.try hard at least...replace these
With the wonderful Caramelo Almond Crunchies....
your Darling little angels will be all smiles
Di perkaya dengan kacang almond, biji bunga matahari, biji melon, kuaci labu dan yg melazatkannya di salur dengan cairan Caramel. Ramai yang kata CARAMELO ni berhantu.Oh!!? Sebab ape?? Sebab..bile da start makan jer takley nak berhenti mengunyah..memang lupa diri..sedar2 jer dah habis sebalang...pastu mesti teringat2..seriuss! Habis je sebalang mesti nak repeat order punye!Ramai yang addicted dengan CARAMELO ni! Habis je sebalang mesti nak repeat order punye! Rasa almond, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, sesame seeds n sunflower seeds..sedap sangat! lemak2 manis gitu! Rasa crunchy and caramel yg melting dlm mulut tu buat anda rasa x puas..sgt2 sedap,,goodness in every bite.. Dan paling penting..ianya snek yg SIHAT! Juga sesuai utk PERKEMBANGAN MINDA ANAK2 dan baik utk IBU2 MENGANDUNG. Anak2 pon suka makan! Taburan biji badam dan bijian lain sangat bagus utk perkembangan anak-anak. Jadikan CARAMELO sebagai snek harian mereka! (Kanak-kanak amat sesuai memakan badam kerana khasiatnya dapat membantu pembesaran mereka, selain membina tulang dan gigi. Sementara kepada orang dewasa pula ia dapat membantu menyihatkan jantung mereka- badam adalah bahan utama dalam caramelo.)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Virgin Coconut & Argan Oil Hair Tonic

How was your Thursday friends? It was mostly gloomy here. Hope the sun shines sweeter at yours. Sunny or hazy, do try to care for your hair with nice smelling good quality oil. Try Bioasli Hair Tonic. Enriched with Virgin Coconut Oil and Argan Oil, it helps maintain healthy scalp and make your hair silky and lush. Non greasy with fascinating aroma. Try today. RM40 plus delivery. Worth it. awesome virgin coconut oil
have a bottle in your bag
So much goodness
Membantu menstabilkan kimia semulajadi pada kulit kepala.
Menghapuskan kelemumur pada kulit kepala dan mencegah dari mengalami kekeringan kulit dan seterusnya menghalang kulat kelemumur dari membiak.
Menjadikan rambut lebih segar dan bertambah hitam.
Membantu dan merawat pembentukan sel tisu kulit kepala yang baru.
Melindungi kulit dari radiasi ultraviolet sinaran matahari.
Menyuburkan kulit kepala serta rambut daripada gugur.
Kaya dengan asid lemak tak tepu seperti Omega 3 dan Omega 9, Minyak Argan adalah sumber komponen penting pemakanan untuk liang-liang akar rambut.
Asid lemak tak tepu ini mengukuhkan struktur ikatan protein dalam rambut dan dengan itu meningkatkan kekuatan rambut serta penyembuhan sehingga ke hujung rambut.
Anti Oksidan semulajadi yang terdapat dalam Minyak Argan mampu mengukuhkan rambut dengan merawat semula sel-sel rambut yang rosak. Berfungsi mengekalkan kelembapan serta mengembalikan kilau dan sinar rambut. Kehadiran Vitamin E dalam Minyak Argan menjadikannya agen yang terbaik untuk rawatan rambut. Vitamin E yang terdapat dalam Minyak Argan sangat berguna dalam memulihkan rambut secara semulajadi.
Memberi keharuman Aroma HUGO yang menyerlahkan gaya wanita anggun.
Minyak Kelapa Dara
Minyak Argan
Minyak Mineral
Pewangi HUGO (wanita) / POLO (lelaki)
RM40 plus delivery. 150 ml. click here to buy online

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The gift of knowledge for your parents

Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak to all Muslim around the world! It's so around the wonderful. According to, "The moon will not be visible anywhere in the world on the evening of Tuesday 16th June 2015. As the moon will be visible over much of the world on the evening of Wednesday 17th June, the first day of Ramadhan is expected to be Thursday 18th June 2015." Check out some really excellent information on the birth of the birth of Ramadhan 1436 AH new moon here
What would be a nice thing to do for the most important human beings in our whole world? Would you consider the gift of books for your beloved Mom or Dad?
Click here to buy at a discounted price
this is another amazing book of knowledge and wonders you really should consider
Please click here to buy today
Or, you might want to get Super Dad something really special
I honestly think this gift of love would bring tears of joy Please click here to buy at a discount

Thursday, June 4, 2015

My experience with Shuang Hor Part 2

How are you today? Hope that all is well and good..It's a nice sunny Friday and we are closer to the weekend. Can't wait for a day with our families at home sweet home right?
Okay Dearies, Today I would like to share a little bit about my experience consuming Shuang Hor's Lu Chun Lingzhi Tea.
As clearly described in the official shuang hor website, the major constituents of this tea are Lingzhi, Semen Cassiae, Camellia Sinensis (Oolong Tea), and Gynostemma Pentaphyllum. It is said to be a composite tea formulation incorporating 4 ingredients that are uniquely rich in flavour and health-enhancing on their own ways.Oolong Tea as the finest among all teas is used as the base for is aromatic scents and non-bitter taste that are equally ideal when served hot or cold. Most importantly, Lu Chun is enriched with Lingzhi for its primary benefit of fortifying the immune system, while Semen Cassiae helps enhance the visual functions, detoxify the body, and expel pathogenic heat, whereas Gynostemma Pentaphyllum contributes to relaxing the mind and removing stress. The tea bag is meticulously sewn with cotton threads to ensure safe and hygienic consumption. Yes, I also found that the packaging is attractive and very neat, thus really suitable to be given out as gifts to friends, families and even our bosses during auspicious occasions such as Chinese New Year, birthday or new year.
All the sweet description aside, my personal experience consuming Lu Chun tea is simply this.
First, it tastes light and just right. I can say that it actually taste quite nice considering me being a big fan of chinese tea. I would always bring back several packets of vacuum sealed flower based or chose tea leaves when I have work to do in Beijing and Shanghai. Lu Chun Tea tastes as nice as the rose buds tea I bought in Shanghai.
Secondly, I find Lu Chun tea good to help me and my daughters with our constipation problems. My eldest daughter for example who stays at her hostel always complain she has to endure 3 sometimes 4 days without pass motion. With Lu Chun tea which she can readily drink when she's home for the alternate weekend, her toilet activity is more regular and easy.
There....these are what I can share with you on the goodness of Lu Chun Tea based on my personal experience.
My friends and wassap acquaintances have also shared many wonderful testimony for Lu Chun Tea among others that it
takes the heat especially from inflammation out of our body, can assist those who lack of the taste senses i.e. they can't really differentiate spicy, salty, sweet etc. There are also so many other good sharing of what this tea can do but they are not based on my experience so I don't need to write them here.
I hope that you will find this short sharing useful and some ways and please let me know if you would like more information or if you just feel like sharing your own experience.
Thanks and have a wonderful day with your favourite cuppa!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My experience with Shuang Hor Part 1

Dear all,
Wish you a good day...with your ibadah, spouse, children, work and your mood :-)
Feel like sharing my experience with one of the so many health products being promoted to Malaysian public; Shuang Hor products. I have registered with this one so I can buy the products at dealer's price. Of course, like so many of us, I would like to make a business out of this, albeit on part time basis. For my sake though, I first need to ascertain several factors and I suppose first of all, I need to be sure of their goodness. Would not want to continue promoting to friends and relatives if I am not myself convinced. The price range is after all in my opinion, a little bit on the high side.
I have been consuming CEO coffee and Lu Chun Lingzhi Tea for about 2 months now. Yes, these two products have my vote. First the
CEO Coffee
- comparing it to Nescafe coffee which my husband and I have been consuming for as long as we remember, CEO coffee though slightly more expensive, brings better value. The product description says that the instant CEO coffee is refined with superior fresh coffee beans and natural low fat coconut milk instead of dairy based creamer. Researched and developed by world famous Shuang Hor Biotech R & D Centre, CEO cafe offers that premium taste plus many essential health benefits especially with long-term consumption. Most importantly, CEO Coffee contains the precious Yung Kien Ganoderma extract which has been researched to help the body improve its overall well-being.
Well, all these very nice claims aside, to me personally, CEO coffee tastes very nice with that slight bitter sensation. I must admit to CEO coffee giving me more energy, something I can say say Nescafe cannot do. Several days before, I was so sure that me drinking one cup of CEO Coffee in the morning resulted in me not feeling sleepy while driving to work and I somehow managed to stay focus getting one by one of my long "to do" list settled way through the morning. I don't remember getting this from Nescafe coffee. Besides, I somehow have lower tolerance of Nescafe coffee now. Drinking more than several sips would give me lingering headache. There was one day during one of my many workshop sessions where Nescafe black is served, the smell of it which used to be my most favorite, gave me headache. This happened before I was introduced to CEO coffee. This is truly my personal experience, could be just me though.
Right! You can read about the wonderful health benefits of CEO coffee in many websites or blogs and to save you some time, you can go here for some very clear description.
In short, I am confident of the goodness of CEO coffee, one of the more popular products of Shuang Hor. Do let me know if you would like to try it yourself. The price of one sachet of CEO coffee is just about the same as a cup of good coffee or Cappuccino in a good Kopitiam. With so many health benefits from the superior Shuang Hor Lingzhi, I am sure you would find it worth your money.
My next entry would be on my experience with Lu Chun Lingzhi Tea

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Reviews galore

I just found this today...Ciao community. Excellent avenue for reviews sharing and discovery. I think plenty of stuff I've used or familiar with deserve good reviews so that fellow netizens anywhere in the world would know about them. This is a great place to do it. And the bonus is, I'll get paid for it. We all can use some extra bucks doing something we enjoy, don't you think?